[Case Study] A simple shift that can help when your client is “stuck” in session


Getting Unstuck | Trauma Therapy > Regular Therapy

Do you know the feeing when you feel stuck and then you talk to someone, and they say something and suddenly you feel the wheels in you brain shifting and you have a new perspective, and a sudden surge of energy?

That's the power of perspective and skill. 
And that's exactly what differentiates meh therapy to transformative trauma therapy.

We offer transformation when we:
- offer shift in perspective
offer clients a new mental model
- provide a 
new piece of information,
- or help them finally process a stuck emotion that's been clogged.

And then, there's energy needed for a shift to take place. 

This is what you need to move your clients from stuckness --> movement.

Here's a sample of how a targeted insight and change in approach can help you transform your sessions.  Caroline, one of the talented therapists I work with, shared this message to me, after I shared feedback in a live clinical consultation call:
"This is really helpful feedback and very validating. I would love if you could show me the examples of the exercises around being held." [she's referring to a somatic exercise I teach in the cohort - from Bonnie Bainbridge] "Interestingly, the session I held with [client] subsequent to our consultation session was markedly different.... I experienced this closeness as significant.....Something seems to have shifted and we no longer feel so stuck." -Caroline Martin, BA, MSc, PG Dip Clinical Supervisor, Private Practice, Dublin, Ireland

I love getting these messages.

I knew Caroline has amazing skills - she's incredibly talented,  educated, trained and has solid rapport with her clients. As I heard her share about her client, I was able to pinpoint exactly where they were getting stuck, and offered a slightly different approach and a creative attachment based somatic intervention. I'm not surprised they had a shift in the next session. This is what happens when we offer a different mental model to our clients.

It’s not changing the client's history or even necessarily doing anything dramatically different. Instead, we're shifting how we engage with our clients, the skills we use and how we help them relate to their stories in new ways.

Trauma Therapists Know This - And Why You Need To Know It Too

That's the essence of good trauma therapy - it's about creating these subtle but powerful shifts that help people move from anxiety and stuckness into more energy and possibility. 

And from there,  you'll see your clients having access to new choice points and choosing different behaviors.

It's pretty wild and exciting to see the ripple effects. It can take time with clients, based on symptom presentation, but when you are on the right track, you guide them to real shifts

Now, in order to guide your clients through these shifts, you need to feel grounded in solid clinical wisdom and support. 

Is this you? Are you like Caroline?

If you're a skilled therapist, have good relationships with your clients,
and are looking to:

  1. Deepen your skills

  2. To work through blockages

  3. And, get expert consultation so you can put your skills to good use and have those transformative sessions...

I can help


Click below for a FREE 15 min consult and we can talk about how I can help you! 

I'm in your corner, cheering you on.
With Love,  Esther


How The Trauma Training Certification was Born


The 3 Factors Beneath Imposter Syndrome | Trauma Therapists