Trauma Therapist: From Good to Great

Learn what keeps some therapists stuck getting ok outcomes while others become trauma rockstars that get EVERYBODY referring to them.

When: Monday, September 23rd Zoom 2:00-3:00PM EST

Recording available

5 Pointers You’ll Walk Away With

At the end of this 1 hour masterclass you will walk way with clarity and direction you can use in your very next trauma therapy session!

  • ONE: Foundations To Trauma Work

    What a trauma treatment frame needs (three factors for a well structured trauma informed session).

  • TWO: The Life + Skills of a Trauma Therapist

    What you need for yourself as you do the deep trauma work - the Self of a trauma therapist. Clinical skills - knowing how and when to assess for clinical complexities, dissociation, working with personality issues, boundaries, clear agreements (verbal and nonverbal) and how all of these impact the clinical goals and treatment focus.

  • THREE: Framing Sessions - The Secret Sauce

    Setting a frame of a session- and how framing is as important as the actual “meaty” clinical work.

  • FOUR: Determining Treatment Targets That Make Sense to the Client (and to you)

    How to set a good trauma informed treatment goal and a clear roadmap to reach it.

  • FIVE: Tracking the Success - Highlighting & Celebrating Outcomes

    How to help clients assess and track progress- especially those with complex trauma.

Join the Masterclass

And over 300 therapists who signed up for the class!

Join an One Hour Trauma Training Masterclass. Leave with a new perspective, focus and some tools for the way!