Do you also like riding solo?

“Esther, I love riding solo"

She said to me.

I did a double take. 
"Wait, really?"
This was an exchange I had with someone who had taken my trauma training.

96% of the attendees LOVE the live consult calls.
They love the community, the support, the back and forth and the aspect of getting personalized consult. 
Do you also love riding solo?

This one participant said that though she did and does appreciate that consultation time and support, what she gained the most from, was the learning platform. My Trauma Training course has weekly Videos and Downloads - and worksheets for you to use ( in your sessions).

As someone who thrives in groups and in supportive environments, I almost didn't believe her, but then she pulled up her the notes she'd been taking since she began the Trauma Training.

Now, I believed her. 

Trauma Training for Therapists

Lifetime Access Trauma Training | SELF PACED 
So, here's my offer to you. For all of you who have been asking if you can take my Trauma Training SELF PACED, you have an offer right now. It's less than half the fee of the LIVE training and I'm offering it at a discount now {2k instead of 2.5k]. 

For the next week, I am offering for you to sign up for the self paced version of this Trauma Training. 
This is for you if you are :

  • hungry for rich trauma informed skills.

  • are great at self paced learning and have time over the summer.

  • want to deepen your clinical work but don't know where to start.

  • are looking for both science based research as well as practical implementable skills.

  • want a certification that'll give you a leg up on the trauma therapy world.

  • want to feel more confident and knowledgeable in your professional self...and amongst colleagues.

Take me up on this offer- and grab your Full Trauma Training Here.

Thinking you may need more support to digest and implement? You can always sign up for a Consultation Group down the road. 

The Proof is in the pudding

One of our past graduates just shared a copy of her Certificate of Completion  [and CEUS].

We love seeing therapists take their skills, expand on them and widen their impact.

Juliana is a wonderfully wise therapist, Director or a DBT Behavioral Treatment Program in a Private Practice and came to learn more about attachment oriented skills and trauma therapy. Here's a recent post she shared on LinkedIn! 

Have clients rant and rave about your work.

Yes, your clients can tell when you know what you're talking about and when you feel clear and confident.  (psst they tell me "I can tell _____ has good training, I feel so secure being her client)

I'm here to provide training ad support for you so that your clients walk out of the session with more hope, relief and trust in you, and in the process! 

Yes, I know, investing time and energy and money is a choice, but hey, where will you be if you don't invest?

"Are you doing the same thing and wanting different results? 

I've built my practice on years of consult, and support. What I've found is that, when we make investments, we get a return on investment.

  • confidence. 

  • skills.

  • happier clients.

  • ability to charge more.

  • more opportunities come our way.

Make the decision to level up - professionally.
If it helps, know that I have my monthly groups and consultation I'm signed up to, religiously. Because my own investment in training and in consultation has always and still does, support me through my personal and professional journey.

It's so worth it.
I'm here to support you. And grow alongside you.
Got any questions? Hit reply!


ps. want to see testimonials  past participants in our trainings? Click here! 


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