Is Somatic Awareness A Therapy Skill?
"I know we are doing deep work, but today I want to learn a skill I can take with me".
Jeff* said this to me one bright Wednesday, as soon as he plopped onto my couch.
"Hmm", I thought to myself.
"I hear you loud and clear, a skills session today." I said and half chuckled.
I knew what he wanted and I knew why he wanted it.
Jeff* came in to therapy due to having difficulty falling and staying asleep. His mind would spin and his body would tense up. Over our time together we identified other issues and fears [present and past] that would awake within him and cause distress.
We were doing good deep work, and also, he was actively navigating a trigger at work. I wanted to give him a tool he could use to get through the week with more ease.
Making Contact with the Body | A Powerful Somatic Therapy Tool
As he began telling me about his upcoming meeting he was dreading, I made contact with his body.
"Contact" is a somatic term we use when we directly connect with or name something happening for our client, to deepen somatic somatic awareness.
I had noticed that he had a nervous chuckle whenever he mentioned something - and then a deep exhale that followed. I noticed the tension, nervousness, and a fleeting look of relief.
Teach your Clients To Move Through Sensations & Emotions Instead of Getting Stuck in Them.
I noted a natural somatic sequence that was happening for him. His body was naturally trying to release the pent up tension.
Our session continued and he began noticing how his body was feeling regarding the upcoming meetings he had. We focused on one primary symptom and the belief and emotions that were tied to it.
As we wrapped up our session, he got up, picked up his half empty coffee cup and headed for the door.
Then he paused and said; "Esther, what a cool tool I learned today. Thank you.
I smiled as I heard those words.
I knew he had hoped that I'd print out some worksheet and write out some positive blurb to read - or teach him a 1-2-3 tool. And, though those have their use, this was not the time and place for that.
If I did that I would have overlooked what his body was needing. He needed a tool to work with his body so he could move through the activation that would come up throughout the week.
So, my dear friend, I now turn to you,
Do you think Somatic Awareness is a therapy tool?
My opinion?
Yes, but with a caveat; you need to teach your client how to use the tool- not just share the idea, but guide them on a somatic exercise so they can engage in the process and then replicate that outside the therapy room when needed.
If you love somatic work but want to learn more about Somatic Therapy and how to guide your clients into deeper Mind-Body therapy, I teach you this and so much more in our Trauma Cohort.
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