The secret to therapists who feel fulfilled

Hey there therapist,

Helping therapists be better, more confident, and more successful is 100% my jam, right?

So, I can say this with certainty:

Good therapy is about learning how to diagnose correctly.

Therapy isn't only about compassionate listening.

It's about understanding our clients' pain, providing a supportive environment where we help our clients heal... which shift their mindsets, and improve thought patterns, and behaviors.

You know about interventions like Somatic, EMDR, tapping, or IFS, which are beautiful and meaningful ways for our patients to heal, right?

You are probably trained in some of these modalities and even used them for your healing journey.

But they won't work if you have not identified the client's core pain or struggle.

You want to be thinking ..."What's the thing that keeps coming up for the client over and over again?"

Is it unworthiness? Is it loneliness? Are they lacking meaning in their life?


Until you know the real pain point...ANY intervention will lack focus and direction. Usually, this leads to the clients inevitably leaving because "therapy didn't work" feeling unsure about your skills.

Over the last 13 years, I've seen this pattern happen again and again.

Therapists reach out for consult because they want to learn from the experiences that didn't go well, or where they were mis-attuned. (kudos to them because the self reflection makes them the kind of therapists who actually grow and evolve!)

The therapist comes in and shares "I find myself rehashing the same discussions over and over again with my clients but they're not seeing progress...and neither am I.." 

By session 4, their clients were long gone, and the therapist is left feeling defeated.


The correct diagnosis paves the way for a better outcome.

And a better outcome means your clients find relief, do the work, and....

and you feel... fulfilled.

Isn't this why we do what we do?

There are other benefits, too. When we self reflect, as therapists, we become more confident, too. 

With therapists who seek consult, who sign up for advanced training and are open to feedback, what we see is..

  • Clients don't leave.

  • Referrals keep coming in.

  • They feel good enough to start their own practices.

  • And, with it - have the luxury to make their own schedules!

All the things that I want for you!

We discuss becoming an expert diagnostician (and interventions) in module 5 of the Trauma Therapy Cohort (Starting in one week!)

Why I'm the person who is perfect to help you:

Over the last decade, I've been reading, learning, training, traveling, investing, and doing everything else humanly possible to level up my own clinical skills. The result?

I had significant growth in my own growth journey, my clients experienced significant improvement in symptoms, my solo practiced expanded into a group practice, and I have been training, consulting and supporting therapists (in my practice and ) in the trauma cohort, and seeing incredible shifts! 


It's more than your skills...It's how to personalize them to the clients' experience. 

So, while being a great listener and trained in EMDR are essentials for being a good therapist, being a great trauma-informed therapist means knowing how to uncover the underlying problem and leading your client to the appropriate treatment.


In my upcoming Jan Trauma Therapy Cohort, I am going to give you all of my assessments and interventions for you to use in your therapy room right away. You can see the full course outline here. 




If you want to get in on this community of therapists making 2024 about sustainable success and improving your clinical is your time.


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Need to chat with me before you commit?

Let's explore if this is the right training for you. Book a 15-minute call here.

In your corner, Esther G


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The Dual Lives We Lead