The Dual Lives We Lead

The Dual Lives We Lead

A thing that only therapists really "get"
Two of my closest friends are actually also therapists.
I've got friends in other professions, but the thing is that there's a unique bond these friends and I have.

We get each other in ways only another therapist can.
They just get "it". 

"It" meaning the dual life therapists are always living.

We go to parent-teacher conferences
We go to Broadway shows
We go to dinner
We go to weddings
We go to gyms and to community events...

But while we are there, 

... our hearts are always holding a deeper layer of people's stories.


The hard stories.
The beautiful stories.
The brave stories.
Stories, Lives, Experiences...


Our work is meaningful because, at the foundation, we get to do what we love most -  helping people reach connection and healing.

But, man, does it get a lot at times.
And lonely. Very lonely. 

One therapist recently shared that she attended a family event. Everyone "seemed" contently disconnected and bopping around, chatting and drinking. 

As therapists, we live on a deeper level. We think deeply. We feel deeply. We're conscious of so much more.  

What different lives we lead, indeed.

You may relate - maybe you've gone to a birthday party, or went on a date, or have been seeing some friends, and you may notice that, at the end of your day, you're exhausted. 

You see, therapists live in a different world. We hold a lot of emotions, stories and need spaces and places to process those realities.

We don't come home and share the stories with our partners, our family and our friends. The work stays in our hearts and minds. We do share with our colleagues, but as humans, we are often holding two realities at the same time.

We juggle our lives, and are simultaneously processing  the mental and emotional energy of our work. 

This is one of my main inspirations for creating the Trauma Therapy Cohort.

I don't know about you, but I need support from people who share the experience of holding so much.  I feel blessed to have created relationships with colleagues/friends and mentors who support me, guide me and listen to me. It took me time to find them, but I'm glad I did. It's changed my life.

Now, here I am helping you create that same support for you! 

Book my FREE consult call

Connection & Community

A Space for You Lighten Your Mental Load
To Connect With Other Therapists 

It can take time to find and create these relationships. Part of my goal for creating this community is to give therapists, just like you,  access to other therapists.

A space for you to....

  • To laugh about the internal jokes only therapists get. 

  • To speak about the existential dilemmas our clients (and we) face.

  • To honor our own space in this process.

  • To share our Wins, Success and Breakthroughs!

  • To ask for feedback, guidance and Support!

    We are humans, and we connect with humans too =)

    This is a place where we share, laugh, cry and giggle, and learn together, as we support each other. Yes, you get to  deepen your skills for your clients, but also, learning happens best in a space where you get to connect and share on a personal level, and on a professional level.  To have a space for both realities you hold. 

Trauma Therapy Course

This is your space 

I created this platform to start conversations where we share those unspoken experiences.

This cohort was made with you in mind. 

If you find yourself looking for shared experiences and to ward off the lonely feelings that come with being in this field.. belong here <3

Register Here for a 15-minute call to see if the Trauma Therapy Cohort is right for you.


In your corner. 


The secret to therapists who feel fulfilled


She was starving for connection, but was equally terrified of it.