What They Are Hungry For

Passover, Spring Break and Trauma Healing 

The last few weeks I’ve been inundated with calls at my group practice - with therapy inquiries, since Spring Break and Passover break has begun. 

The theme underlying the calls? Relationships. 

  • "Help me get through to my wife- she's shut me out because I triggered her"

  • "I don't know how to get through this time of year as I just went through a break up and the loneliness is searing"

  • "My kids won't listen to me and I need a better way to parent"

One thing is clear to me. ….

People are hungry for connection. 

The highest currency in life? Relationships 
Beyond shopping and travels and food. the thing that leaves people feeling content, and higher levels of happiness is meaningful connection.

So here I am asking you, Trauma Therapist,

How are you helping your clients reach for more meaningful connection? 

Therapy is not just about talking about issues, the basics of communication skills and problem solving. Sure, for some of our clients, that is useful. And for some, there is so much more going on beneath the surface. 

Therapists, when you are Trauma Trained, you can Tend to the Root of Disconnection.

For example:

  • The client who is triggered by the changing of seasons, often doesn't just need coping skills, but needs focused trauma processing of her somatic and emotional flashbacks so she can not just survive this time..but be also able to be present for her kids. 

  • Processing your client's recent break up with supportive therapy, and also tending to the core feeling of loneliness they have been carrying way before the break up. This way they can have a healthier sense of self, overall

  • Teaching your client somatic skills (inside session) where they learn to track their somatic symptoms and learn the cues needed to take care of themselves outside of session.

  • Providing psychotherapy that helps shift your clients core negative belief of "I have to over-give to be loved" so that they can learn to receive an not over-give in all relationships. 

  • Engage in a Parts Mapping exercise with your clients so they can become conscious of their procedural coping behavior - and choose a healthier, more adaptive one.

If you're one of the therapists who has signed up for the Masterclass, or has attended it live, you get what  I'm talking about. Over 118 of you shared your desires to gain more nuanced skills, acquire advanced knowledge and more skillfully guide your clients to deeper levels of healing.

You want a Trauma Therapist Training that teaches you skills, give you confidence and helps you achieve better clinical outcomes.

I am here to help you get there.

As a Trauma Therapist for 13+ years. Group practice owner and Trauma Therapist Educator, I support therapists in doing exactly that. In our Trauma Therapist Training, I support you in expanding your skill set using somatic skills, parts work and other advanced therapy methods - so that you can do your bet clinical work. And most importantly, give our clients the relief they are seeking from their therapy with you.

Want to hear more? Listen to our Masterclass | Watch the recording here.

Ready to get trained in a 6 month Certificate Program in Integrative Trauma Therapy? Apply below!

Trauma Therapist Training

We are opening enrollment for our June Trauma Cohort. Click here to apply
And, book a FREE 15 min consult call to see if we are a good fit. 

In your corner,
Esther G


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