Solar Eclipse Jitters

solar eclipse image

Solar Eclipse Jitters....
and Rich Lessons

Happy Sunday! My son and I just tried on the solar eclipse glasses- getting prepped for tomorrow- did you get a pair?

If you tried them on, you'll see that it's almost impossible to see anything with them on. And for some reason, they are the safest way to look at the sun. 

Protect Our Eyes.

It got me thinking how important it is to not just get excited about the solar eclipse and peering at the sun, but also being careful about protecting our eyes while doing so.

Protect our Hearts.
Protect our Brains.
Protect Our Health. 

The same applies for being a therapist, especially a Trauma Therapist. Being in this line of work puts us in a unique space. A space where we get to connect, to hold, to understand, to listen and to help guide healing. 

We sit with pain, and we help its impact soften, so that our clients can have more energy to live, love and be in their lives.

A lifetime commitment of humility, growth and expansion. 

At the same time, this isn't the kind of field we get a training in and then walla- we're good to go for the next 20 year stretch.

This line of work challenges us to be real, be raw, be authentic and to use our hearts, mind and spirits. And because of that, it's so important to stay anchored in our own methods of support. Training, Community, Connection, Therapy, Humor, Creativity, and committing to enriching our own minds, bodies and spirits.

As a human, mom, daughter, sister, friend, community member - I get how it takes intentional energy to keep life balanced. Carving out time to giggle, to pray, to laugh, to love and learn are what helps me.

My offer to you | Join my FREE Upcoming Masterclass 

And, as a lifetime learner, I find that the communities of learning and advanced training have been areas of meaningful support for me- and that is why I've created a Training + Community with you in mind.

Once a month I run a Trauma Therapist Masterclass where therapists join and we have rich, meaningful conversation. We've gotten such rich feedback, that I've been tweaking it and re-running it so you get the most out of this session.

Trauma Therapist Masterclass to Improve Your Clinical Outcomes. 
Date: Monday, April 15th

Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST 

Location: ZOOM link here

Next steps| Kindly fill out this 3 question form .

This way I know a bit more about you and what you want to get out of this session.

In this 50 min-session, you'll gain invaluable insights and practical strategies that will transform your approach to trauma therapy.

Here's a glimpse of what you can expect:

• Gain clarity on who you are and your own blocks

• Learn the foundational principles of trauma work

• Discover essential skills and qualities every trauma therapist needs

Mark your calendar for April 15th and get ready to become an empowered therapist! 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Warm regards, 


What They Are Hungry For


Her client was annoyed she wasn’t yet feeling better…