Procedural Learning VS Declarative Learning

Hey there Therapist,

It's Friday! That means it's time to exhale and take a moment to breath. To be. Regardless of how much you did or didn't do, it's almost the weekend.

Now, I've got an important question for you-

Did you watch the "Backwards Bicycle Video? 

If you didn't, it's linked up here, in this blog

"The backwards bicycle

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and you'll see the link. The concept of the video is to show you - and your clients, the power of shifting a behavior, and how it is done. And how and why knowledge does not always equal = understanding. 

Taking the pressure off of why "I can't change" to "this is how you start making change"

It's so easy to get dissuaded from making changes when we try and try and don't [yet] see a shift. This video and the concept of Procedural Behavior helps explain how changes  happen, in the brain and then in behavior. 

Procedural Skills VS Declarative Skills 

In the video below, I share a snippet from a segment in my Trauma Training, on the concept of Procedural Skills VS Declarative Skills. 

Watch the video below

I want you to better understand how to explain the concept of Procedural Behaviors to your clients and then use good somatic or behavioral approaches to help them slowly make the shifts [ internally and externally] that will help them reach the kind of changes they want.

Changes in their belief system.
Changes in their automatic thinking.
Changes in their coping skills.
Changes in their behaviors.

Changes that lead to healthier living, loving and being. 

And that's what we are going for, small changes that make a dent in their quality of life! 

Now, if you're thinking...
Sounds great but... where do I begin?

Stay tuned, I will keep sharing rich content with you weekly!
And, if you want to learn some somatic or experiential tools so you can embody changes - and help your clients embody a deeper changes in behavior - in their therapy.... I got you. Here's how I can help:   

And if you've got questions, send me an email [] , or comment below.
I love hearing from you.

What do you think of the above video?



You’re Enmeshed, or are you not?


The Backwards Bicycle & Procedural Behavior