We don't "erase" memories, we do this instead
Good therapy gives our clients validation, support, earned secure attachment and relief.
But, if we want to provide therapy that creates shifts in the short term, and long term, we need to incorporate memory reconsolidation.
What Is Memory Reconsolidation?
I stumbled upon this concept, earlier in my career, after providing some profoundly powerful sessions with clients, and watching them feel so much better... only to have them return a week later with the same concern, pattern or belief plaguing them. I felt so deflated!
I shared this with a trusted consultant, and she suggested that, though I was offering good therapy, I was not helping the client integrate the shifts long enough.
Therapy is an experience where we challenge, thoughts, memories and belief, and see shifts.
>> But, if we don't properly follow the process of reconsolidation, the brain doesn't re-digest the new information on a level needed for lasting change.
I needed to help clients cognitively, physically and somatically marinate in the new experience so it became embedded into their neurons long enough for it to shift.
How does Memory Reonconsolidation actually work?
In the book; Unlocking the Emotional Brain (Ecker, Ticic, & Hulley, 2012) explains that; Memory reconsolidation occurs if the following sequence of events take place:
Reactivate: Access and reactivate the memory
Mismatch or contradict: While the memory is reactivated, create an experience that contradicts the memory
Create new learning: Within five hours, introduce new experiences to eliminate or revise the memory.
Learning how to integrate this into my work changed the way I worked.
I was comfortable diving deep into the core wounding that related to clients' symptoms; but I learned to hold the mis-match experience for longer, so their bodies integrated the new learning that needed time to be fully incorporated.
Our clients come with with presenting problems that are tied to schemas, mental models [and unhealthy coping skills] that are locked in the brain as a result of traumatic, neglectful or or painful experiences.
>> Our job as therapists is to deep dive into the memories/emotions and beliefs that got "trapped" and stored dysfunctionally. We need to offer a contradictory experience - so then the memory can be "repackaged" with a more adaptive belief.
We reconfigure the way their memory is relating to the event/memory and emotions. This inner work allows for better choices and more positive emotional states.
Now, dear reader: what do you love most about this concept?
And, if you're looking to guide clients to deeper places in their therapy work, and be the talk-of-the-town [in the best way possible] I invite you to learn more about this.
To creating lasting shifts,
Trauma Training Certification & Consultation Program
P.S. If you want to learn more about Memory Reconsolidation and integrating it into your sessions - I've got an entire module on this topic in our upcoming Trauma Training Cohort.
This Trauma Training and Consultation Program helps skilled therapists gain mastery of their skills and deepen their work. Give your clients more relief and improve your clinical outcomes.
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