I've been on a family trip, in sunny  California, this week. I call it a trip because when little ones are involved, it's called a trip, not a vacation.

And as much as I love alone time, I was reflecting on the people sitting around the poolside, yesterday. Yes, it feels nice to have zen time, as humans we all need alone time. And what we need even more than the alone time - is connection time. We all hunger for connection with others and when we have that, we feel more fulfilled. So, instead of praying for some alone time, I shifted my focus to being grateful for the connections in my life. 

Harvard research on a 75 year study on happiness shows that the quality of happiness is directly dependent on one thing: quality of relationships. 

So what can be better than giggling? 

Being in connection with others. Here's a blog on the

Harvard study here. 
And, as therapists, we are here to help our clients connect with themselves and with others. Our goal? add more joy in their life.
Now, if we are here to teach our clients to deepen their connection with others- it's equally important to look at the value of the connections with others in our life. 

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Being committed to helping others heal is meaningful work. 

  • We get to see human resilience on a daily basis. 

  • We get to share the science of healing and bring it home to our clients day-to-day lives.

And, we get to live our lives aligned with meaning, value and integrity.

Why? doing this work highlight those rich conversations on a daily basis - and so we recommit to who we are, what we do and who we are associated with, on the daily. 

Filling our cups of connection

At the same time, it can get lonely, being the ones who hold stories day in and day out. Personally, I've made some of my best colleague friendships at post graduate trainings. And when I reflect, I realize that though the skills and education was what I gained, the relationships and camaraderie directly impacted my enjoyment of the training, and how well I digested the knowledge.

Social Connection as Digestive Enzymes to Life 

I find that when we are in connection with others, we air our thoughts, share our idea and voice our hopes and dreams, we move through life with more ease, trust and okay-ness.

It's a parallel process for us, and our clients. And of course it is, because at our core, w are all human. 

Join our EMDR & Trauma Consultation Group

The Science on Giggles 
When a client of mine begins laughing in session, or in their life, I know that they are slowly moving out of survival and into living and breathing better.

Why? Because laugher reflects an ability to let go, to connect to a positive feeling- to get out of the mind and into the body.

Laugher also connects us to the social engagements system and massages the Vagus Nerve. 
And, connecting with others activates the social engagement system, too. 

Join a community - Apply Below 

So, if you're ready to join a community of fellow therapists who are looking to expand their trauma informed skills, gain expert clinical consultation and be surrounded and connected with others - Here is your invite! 

Connection | The Gift that Keep on Giving

Ripple Effects and Growth
And, as you bring more skills, wisdom and connection to your professional life, you'll bring more confidence and positive impact to your practice an your work with clients.

Therapist | Join Trauma Therapist Consultation Group


The deets! Begins TOMORROW  August 27th!

Trauma Therapist Consultation Group Details 

Day: Tuesday 

Begins: August 27th

Length: 2 LIVE Consult calls a month 
6 month commitment : 299/mo 
Month by Month Sign up: 399/mo

Time:  1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST. 

This is your chance to enhance your clinical skills and make a real impact.


rab your slot directly by clicking here before it’s too late!

Got questions? 
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3 Somatic Therapy Skills for Lonely Clients


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