An Interview between a Trauma Therapist and a Psychoanalyst

"Never trust an analysis that's going smoothly”, she said, referencing a Freudian psychoanalyst’s known statement.

Guy Mcpherson invited me to be on his podcast 3 times. Here's the most recent one. 

>> And he [and his audience] loved our conversations as much as I did- so he recently invited me to join his podcast as a co-host for a series- where I get the opportunity to interview some colleagues and have rich conversations.  Thank you Guy!

I am so delighted by this as Trauma Therapy Project Podcast has been really impactful to me, in developing as a trauma therapist and in connecting me with so many wise voices.

Here is a snippet from a Podcast Interview I just had with my close friend and colleague, Dr. Hindie Klein who is at the forefront of therapy and an expert psychoanalyst. She's been a leader in the world of  psychotherapy for decades. I'll be sharing more about her and the full podcast, as soon as it comes out!

Here is a tidbit for you to dive in- listen to the concept of navigating rupture and repair.

The rest of our conversation is about helping clients develop Earned Secure Attachment, and the role of Transference and Countertransference.

How do you navigate rupture and repair in session?

Do you tend to dive in, or avoid? 



Want to Grow your confidence and skills in navigating ruptures and repairs?
And, learn somatic and attachment skills to develop Earned Secure Attachment with clients? 

Join our upcoming Trauma Training & Consultation Program.

This Trauma Training and Consultation Program helps skilled therapists gain mastery of their skills and deepen their work. Give your clients more relief and improve your clinical outcomes.

Join us by applying by clicking link above or by booking a free 15 min consult call below. 


What your clients are afraid of in trauma therapy


What they feel when you're silent